
Time 活动/描述
马克Pastorella, 副总裁, 发展, 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台基金会, 和椅子, 2023年纽约州立大学首席晋升官会议
欢迎 to the 13th annual SUNY 社区 College Chief Advancement Officers Conference! We continue to foster relationships and professional 发展 as we collectively seek to advance the mission of our respective community colleges! The 2024 Chief Advancement Officers conference is open to all 发展 professionals in any function or aspect of fundraising, 校友关系, 奖学金管理, 董事会管理, 管理和更多. 我们寻求探索新思想, 强调纽约州立大学提供的非凡支持, strengthen our inclusion efforts in alumni engagement and learn how we can use scholarships effectively to impact the decision of 学生 to enroll.
Marianne Hassan, chief of staff, Provost Office, SUNY and acting director, SUNY Impact Foundation
The NYS Charitable Tax Credit Program launched by the SUNY Impact Foundation is a game changer for every SUNY 发展 office and in this presentation, you will learn more about the program and hear testimonials about how it was received by donors in 2022 & 2023. The Office of the Provost is a multi-faceted unit with broad and diverse responsibilities ranging from the 发展 of policy and academic program review to data collection, 实现技术等. 重要的是, 在其基础上, is a clearly defined focus on enhancing the academic profile and reputation of the State University. Learn more about the current priorities of the SUNY Provost Office and how 发展 helps SUNY ensure equitable access throughout the state.
戴安娜L. 波拉德,达奇斯社区学院基金会执行董事
Small but Mighty Shops—Small shop expansion when you cannot hire permanent employees. 这节课将讨论小商店如何用一小部分员工做更多的事情. By outsourcing work to consultants and developing these partnerships you can really move your work forward. 另外, let’s talk about how we can scale back the great ideas that we hear when we attend conferences to make them work for us.
比尔·达格特,艾德.D. The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Education and Advancement
Artificial intelligence—from classroom teacher to Principal to Advancement Officer—can pose as an unwanted challenge OR it can be an ally that relieves you of some of the tasks and responsibilities that consume your time and energy. Dr. Daggett将提供策略,允许你使用人工智能作为你的副驾驶, freeing you from many of your time-consuming tasks and allowing you to focus your attention on other important matters. 然而,人工智能确实需要仔细监督. Daggett将描述如何负责任地、谨慎地使用它. Dr. 然后,达格特将描述人工智能将如何日益影响工作场所, 家庭与社会, 这将导致技能的重大转变, knowledge and attributes 学生 will need to be successful in the world beyond school.

Bill Daggett is the founder of both the Successful Practices Network and the International Center for 领导 in Education. He recently co-chaired the AASA LEARNING 2025: National Commission for Student-Centered, 公平的, Future-Driven Education and is now leading the National Demonstration Network for AASA.
多洛雷斯Swirin-Yao, 执行董事, 威彻斯特社区学院基金会副主席, 对外事务, 威彻斯特社区学院. Togo Travalia, stegethomson Communications高级助理
支持社区学院基金会的灵活多媒体案例. Making the case for our community college foundations must span everything philanthropy makes possible for our colleges, 学生, 与此同时,保持联系,专注于每一次可能的捐助对话. We will share how 威彻斯特社区学院 Foundation created an affordable tool that is both comprehensive and flexible, 今天提供捐助者通讯和募捐服务, 并为下一步做准备.
John Minieri, Blackbaud高等教育解决方案客户主管
长期的会议赞助商和重要的合作伙伴, Blackbaud helps many community colleges keep moving forward in an ever-changing world. Please join this session to review the critical issues and changes being addressed by Blackbaud and learn about product updates and other resources designed to help you. The SUNY CAO Conference recognizes Blackbaud for its long-standing sponsorship support of our conference and appreciates the important role Blackbaud plays every day in helping us support our deserving 学生.
马克Pastorella, 副总裁, 发展, 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台基金会
在学生公平录取(“SFFA”)v. 哈佛学院院长和研究员, the Supreme Court held that a university’s consideration of an individual’s race in the admissions process is unconstitutional and violates Title VI. The Court did not directly address preferences or restrictions using race as a factor in financial aid or scholarships, nor did the Department of Justice and the Department of Education in its recent guidance. However legal experts say it could have much broader implications and that colleges would be wise to prepare accordingly. 尽管仍有许多未解之谜, this session will discuss general steps to take to review your process and offer a basic understanding of some of the key challenges and solutions for managing scholarships following the SFFA ruling.
下午五点半至六点半 鸡尾酒会
6:30pm 晚餐与宿怨!


Time 活动/描述
早上八点半到九点半 早餐圆桌会议
鲍勃·达克沃斯主持, 鲍勃·达克沃斯, bCRE-Pro, 筹款方案顾问, 詹娜Bichler, 执行董事, Eire社区学院基金会, 洛林鲑鱼,阿尔斯特社区学院基金会执行董事 and Catherine Williams, 执行董事, 布鲁姆社区学院.
洛林鲑鱼 will lead an informative session focused on using SMORE newsletters as a donor information link that permits updated information to be posted in real-time. 了解有关更新以前发布的链接的功能的更多信息, 表彰新的捐款者, 分享历史上的筹款成功案例, 视频链接, 并链接到b谷歌表单. Lorraine has worked with Ulster's President's Challenge Scholarship Foundation 董事会 Committee to reach 50 donors annually, 每人贡献7美元,200美元来资助一个未来的家庭第一成员的社区大学教育. 这是360美元,000 campaign annually - with much of the current fundraising success attributed to accessing board director friends and friends of friends ... 使用这个简单的链接,在一个易于访问的位置回答所有问题.
鲍勃·达克沃斯主持, 筹款解决方案顾问, Npact解决方案, 一个受人尊敬的小组将促进一场题为“通过激励来领导”的讨论, 指导与前进. This session will be facilitated through a panel discussion but is really a conversation around leadership. 关注员工福祉, 员工的经验, 员工辅导, 一些, 创新, 解决问题, 项目规划和授权, 解决冲突,激励和影响你的团队.